SAKA is here for you. We help all kidney patients covered by the Sheffield Kidney Institute, along with families and friends.


Feel free to contact us for further information, to make any suggestions for what we could do for kidney patients or if you need any help.




Phone SAKA Secretary:

07719 787885

SAKA Facebook Group


Patients (and family members, friends, carers etc) who attend the Sheffield Kidney Unit or its satellites are invited to join this small confidential Facebook Group to share news and information.

Click the link below to visit/join:

Sheffield Area Kidney Association

Your local kidney charity run by patients for the direct benefit of patients



SAKA is a registered charity, number 1196513


About SAKA



SAKA was formed in 1976 to help kidney patients and their families cope with kidney failure and to help fund research into kidney disease. 
100% of all funds raised by SAKA are for the benefit of renal patients who are cared for by the Sheffield Kidney institute. We are the ONLY local kidney charity run by patients that provides grants and support direct to patients and their families

SAKA is run by a committee of Trustees (see CONTACTS page).  We are always looking for new ideas as to how we can assist kidney patients, and welcome anyone interested in getting involved with the charity. Please feel free to contact us if you have any suggestions or if you would like further details about our work.


We help renal patients directly by providing financial support. Examples of how we can help include purchasing essential items for patients who are experiencing financial hardship, paying certain holiday treatment costs for dialysis patients and helping towards visitors’ travel costs when patients are hospitalised.


We contribute towards the funding of Sheffield Team members at the British and World Transplant Games


We support research at the Sheffield Kidney Institute (SKI)

We also represent patients’ views directly to the Renal Directorate Management Team and we support the National Kidney Federation (NKF) who provide Patient Information Leaflets and  a Free Helpline.



We welcome donations towards our work.


To donate via JustGiving click here.



SAKA Facebook Group:


Patients (and family members/ carers etc) who attend the Sheffield Unit or its satellites are welcome to join this small confidential group to discuss Sheffield and also share news and information based upon Sheffield. 


 Click this link to visit / join the Group:

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© Sheffield Area Kidney Association