SAKA is proud to support the Sheffield Adult Team
2025 British Transplant Games
Oxford, Thursday 31 July - Sunday 3 August
The Sheffield Transplant Games Team are looking forward to competing at Oxford.
The Opening Ceremony and the Donor Run will take place at Blenheim Palace, and sporting and social events will be held at various venues around Oxford.
As you can see from the reports and photos the Team from Sheffield had a great time at the 2024 Nottingham Games. They are always ready to welcome new team members.
Adult transplant patients of any age are very welcome to become part of the Team and their families can join them at the event.
You don't have to be a sporty person. It is more the chance to have an enjoyable time, to say thank you for your gift of life and to show that you can be fit and well after a transplant.This is an ideal opportunity to join with other transplant recipients to have a great time.
The atmosphere makes the participants feel like part of an extended family, and everyone is made to feel very welcome.
Sports include golf, archery, squash, basketball,volleyball, snooker, table tennis, ten pin bowling, swimming, badminton, darts, football, track and field events, bowls, cycling etc. and there are also social events.
If you would like more details or if you are interested in joining the Sheffield Team please get in touch with Charlotte, the Team Manager:
Visit the website: British Transplant Games
Three people from Sheffield, Brett, David and Rachel, have been selected to compete in the World Transplant Games in Dresden on 17 - 24 August 2025.
Well done and best of luck to all of them !
2024 British Transplant Games
Nottingham 1st-4th August
Here is the Team Mascot
Congratulations to the medal winners
The Donor Run took place on the Saturday evening in glorious surroundings at Wollaton Hall. There was a record entry this year.
The run raises awareness of the NHS Organ Donor Register and the benefits of organ donation. It also pays tribute to living donors and the families of donors who have given the gift of life. It is always an emotional occasion.
For more information about the British Transplant Games visit: